Integrated Living Services is contracted to provide Supported Living Services and Assisted Living through our group home. In order to qualify for services, an individual interested in placement must have funding through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). If an interested person doesn’t have those services but believes they may qualify, Integrated Living Services can help them navigate and assist them in being assessed for this level of funding.
A phone call to our main office is all it takes. Simply give us a call and let the receptionist know that you are interested in client placement. The receptionist will connect you with a Program Director who can set up an appointment to talk to you about our Supported Living Services. They will do a quick intake assessment and then assist you in having referral documents sent from DDA or assist you in getting an assessment. Once we determine your qualifications and determine that your needs are within our ability to provide you those services we can work on finding you roommates and finding a home for you. Integrated Living Services is able to serve a wide range of clients’ needs and we provide everything from assistance in the home to teaching you to care for your own home, assist you in accessing medical care and overseeing the delivery of medical services, to helping you manage your finances and assisting you in accessing other services that may be available to you. We can also assist you in your guardianship filings. We work closely with the courts and are able to assist you in accessing the ex-parte division for guardianships.
Give us a call today to schedule a tour and to learn more about our services. We realize that people have a number of choices in Supported Living Providers and we work hard every day to make sure our clients know they have chosen the right provider when choosing ILS!